All activities are planned by the members who act as planners, convenors, presenters and/or hosts for study groups.
There are no mandatory activities. However members are expected to participate in at least one study group. Members are also encouraged to attend the open meetings held at the Elim Christian Centre, 625 Main Road Stoke each second month.
All members are encouraged to take a turn at generating, convening, and/or hosting group(s).
Groups function in a variety of ways. Most operate through each member taking a turn to research and present their findings to the other members. Some groups have a facilitator who has the skills and knowledge to teach a specific subject. Other groups learn together using the available resources. There are variations to this but all members are strongly encouraged to contribute what they can towards the learning within the group.
New groups and vacancies within existing groups are published in the bi-monthly newsletters and all groups are listed on the study group page.
The Committee is elected each year. Committee members meet once every two months and have the responsibility of organising the general meetings, managing finances and ensuring that members are kept well informed about the activities of the organisation. Each Committee member has a specific area of responsibility.
Groups usually meet in member’s home. This may limit the numbers who can attend. If there is a cost to hiring facilities, the costs are met by the members. If more members wish to join a popular group than can be accommodated, the uncatered-for members are encouraged to start a second group at a different venue with a second convenor.
Most meetings are held during daylight hours.
A Committee member acts as Study Group Coordinator who maintains oversight of all the groups, advertises groups, and keeps a record of member participation. for study group enquiries, email [email protected] . If you would like to start a group click on Guidelines for U3A Convenors . We also have some media hardware and a library of DVDs – click on Assets and Resouces . Help is always available from the Coordinator or any Committee member.
Antiques, Vintage & Retro
Convenor: Judy Pittman
3rd Monday 2.00pm. Various venues.
Members will meet in various homes and discuss the antiques and curios that they have picked up over the years and the personal significance they may have.
The group will also go out and about visiting various places of historic interest.
Birds of the Nelson Region 2
Convenor: Trevor Lewis
Second Monday of the month, in the morning. Time dependent on season.
We are all amateurs interested in getting out in the fresh air and observing birds found in our area in there natural habitat. Places to visit vary depending on the season or on suggestions from individual members if the group. It provides a great opportunity for photographers too. If the weather is bad on the day, we sometimes meet in a member's house to discuss birds, watch relevant videos on YouTube or view photographs.
Chess for Beginners
Convenor: Graeme Williams
Villa 28 Coastal View Village @ 9.45 am, alternate Mondays
Largely for beginners, and priority will be given to beginners, but players with some experience are also welcome. You will be expected to mentor new players, as well as having opportunities to play other experienced opponents. This is very much a shared learning group.
Classical Music 2
Convenor: Margaret Buchanan
2nd & 4th Tuesdays from 10.00 at 109 Bishopdale Avenue, Whakatu
Group meets to watch DVDs and listen to CDs of classical music with the occasional foray into other genres
Digital Imagery Group
Convenor: Sandra Beatie
The Digital Imagery Group (DIG) meets on the last Friday of each month, 1.30pm to 3.30pm in the Olive Estate Lifestyle Village Theatrette, Lakehouse Crescent, Richmond.
DIG is open to anyone who enjoys taking photos as a hobby and has an interest in
exhancing their photography knowledge. There are new themes each month for
members to share photos. We also incorporate learning moments, travelogues, guest
speakers and social time over afternoon tea.
Exploring Nelson Walking Group
Convenor: Rosalie Johnson Jocelyn Bell
Various 10-12am, weekly Thursdays
A regular walking group for those wanting to keep fit and get to know the Nelson area.
Each member of the group takes a turn to select an interesting route.
We walk for an hour or so at an intermediate level, then meet for a coffee at a local cafe.
Great Discontinuity
Convenor: Brian Kepple
10am - noon. 1st and 3rd Fridays at 8 Austin Ward Heights, Enner Glynn
Viewing of selected documentary dvds with discussion about the environmental, energy, and economic crises facing the world, such as artificial intelligence, global warming with climate change, overpopulation, and probable financial collapse.
iPhone/iPad Group
Convenor: Stuart Yank
2nd Tuesday 1.30 - 3.30 pm Stoke Baptist Church Main Road Stoke
For iPhone/iPad users. Come join us at Stoke Baptist Church, Main Road, Stoke for our very popular Interest Group
1.30pm - 3.30pm incl. refreshments during our break.
In our sessions we cover, as casually and as understandably as possible, the where to find, how to use. We continually remind all about iOS Updates and security
We have a Q & A session, and questions are encouraged and we are fortunate in having a brilliant team of subject presenters who tend to specialise in a particular area.
Let's paint
Convenor: Kay Cederman / Prue Wilson
Starting Friday Sept 13 from 9.45 till 1.00 fortnightly 8 sessions First session
8 different venues for a pleinair painting share group .
No tutoring just a loose group that would like to get together with others and ‘give it a go ‘
A loose structure that will fit for all levels and interests in pursuing a little painting time in our week. Relax and enjoy , have fun , complete beginners welcome . Let’s just do it !
Participants need to bring ….
Your own morning tea/lunch
Portable picnic table or easel
Old canvas paintings that can be painted over (2)
Or strong paper300gr suitable for acrylic paint or wall paper
4 brushes ..different sizes
Bottle of water for use with painting
Container for brush cleaning water
Cloth or paper hand towel
Apron or painting shirt
Acrylic paint tubes or pots ( min 4 colours )
Pencil /crayons /pastels or charcoal
Plastic palette or take away box to mix paint in
A painting idea /photo/ or object if you have one you’d like to use
First venue is
Sept 8 Rabbit Island
Picnic area near toilet block on the right across the main bridge at the entrance to Rabbit island .
Future venues will include
End of Vickerman st .
Whakapuaka cemetery
Rough island
Aniseed valley hill
The Glen
In the event of rain
81 Cleveland terrace unless advised otherwise .
Share transport for this is best due to parking shortage .
Local Maori History 2
Convenor: Hilary Mitchell
1st Monday starting Feb 3 from 10.00 at the Elma Turner Library in Nelson
This is a new group, starting in February 2025. There will be 10 or 11 presentations,
usually PowerPoint, covering Local Maori History topics such as Succession of
Tribes, the Nelson Tenths, the Wairau, First Meetings, local Treaty issues etc.
Mahjong Beginners M
Convenor: Sue James
Mondays weekly at, 8 Kate Edger Place, Stoke
Mahjong Beginners T
Convenor: Hilary Connors
Tuesdays from 1.00 to 4.00pm at 217A Collingwood St Nelson, but occasionally at the homes of other members
A group for those who are keen to learn mahjong
Mahjong Intermediate
Convenor: TBA
Musical renditions
Convenor: Kay Hunter
1st and 3rd Mondays 10.30am
Rock, concerto, rap, R&B, medieval, jazz, requiem, are a few names plucked out of a very long list of musical genres.
If you are convinced that your musical taste is limited to a particular musical genre, this group is not for you.
But if your mind is open to exploring the wonderful world of music, then I’d love you to join me twice monthly, at my home in The Wood, at a time negotiable with the group.
If that’s you, and you have the time . . . .
Convenor: David Turner
Second and fourth Fridays of the month, 9:45 - 12:30. At convenors' home
For opera lovers. DVDs of well-known opera performances will be shown and discussed.
Opera 2
Convenor: Steven Shaw
1st & 3rd Wednesday mornings 10-12 at 116 Queens Road Nelson, perhaps also at other venues as the group progresses
Watching a wide range of operas on DVD and online. Sharing opinions and appreciation of operas, looking into the history of the genre. Members will choose some of their favourite works and present them to other members
Over the front fence
Convenor: Phillipa Molloy
Tuesdays 0930- about 1130 18th & 25th Feb and 4th March If we are rained off the 11th March becomes the backup date.
Gardens in my suburb...a once a week walking tour...some gardens we will be able to visit and others will be a " look from the pavement" 0930-1130 in the Stoke / Monaco area ...will require the ability to walk (and stand) comfortably at a moderate pace for 2 hours
We will stop for BYO refreshment at about the half way point.
Convenor: Kay Hunter
Every Friday at 13.30 at 2/90a Halifax Street East Nsn
The benefits of singing are too numerous to list. This group isn’t about learning how to sing or how to sight read music. It’s about singing popular songs together, learning some new ones that the kids are singing today, having fun, and letting it all hang out. No homework, no scores, no audition. Just a lyrics sheet and a catchy tune.
Te Reo Beginners Tuesday
Convenor: Miriam Loretto
Fortnightly Tuesdays 6-7pm 10 Cupola Crescent
Te Reo Intermediate
Convenor: Miriam Loretto
Weekly Wednesdays 1.2pm 10 Cupola Crescent
TED Talks 1
Convenor: Max Robertson, Allison Robertson
15 Forget-me-not Lane, Richmond 2-4pm, first and third Mondays
Members of this group watch 20 minute, cogent, persuasive speeches from some of the world's great thinkers.
Each talk is followed by a discussion on the ideas that are introduced.
Members of the group select TED talks they think would be suitable and these are placed in the bag. Talks are then randomly selected from the bag as needed for each session.”
The Private Lives of Scientists
Convenor: Paul Bieleski
2nd Thursday 10.00am 44B Parkers Road Nelson
Members to take turns at presenting the story of scientists, doctors, and mathematicians taken from biographies followed by questions and analysis.
Bus routes 2 and 4 will get people here.
Wine Appreciation
Convenor: Drusilla Mason
11:00am on the third Wednesday of the month
A group for those who enjoy wine and are interested in how it is grown and made, and in what to look for when tasting a wine.
Visit wineries and discover what makes a wine look, smell and taste the way it does. Followed by lunch at a nearby cafe.
A Dose of Laughter W
Convenor: Liz Chinnery-Jack-Bowyer
4th Wednesday from 1.30 at 40 Ngawhatu Rd
Research has shown laughter to play a role in combatting stress, depression,anxiety and even blood pressure.Do you laugh enough? If you enjoy the old comedies Think Fawlty Towers, Keeping Up Appearances,Billy T James this may be the group for you. Absolutely no homework.
Anything But Classical
Convenor: Roger Haynes
Nelson pm. first Tuesdays @ 2.00 pm./ Venue is shared amongst group members.
As the title implies, this is a group that wishes to explore all sorts of music, other than classical, which is already explored by another group.
We are a lively group who are passionate about music and its impact upon us. Our interests are wide ranging and nothing is excluded.
As source materials we use our own collections, the library and the internet to research various artists, genres and periods to increase our knowledge, understanding, and enjoyment.
Apple Mac Enthusiasts
Convenor: Roger Pittman
21 Ledbury Road, Atawhai, Nelson. 3rd Wednesday of the month, 3.00 to 5.00pm
To share knowledge and information about the Apple Mac computer and its companion devices: the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV.
Art and Artists
Convenor: Jill Dickinson
3rd Wednesday, 14.00 at 14 Jonathan Place, Richmond
The purpose of the group is to look at the family life, education, art style and working life of the artist. We will look at 2 artists each meeting with members looking at one of the former aspects of the artist's life.
Art Appreciation
Convenor: Drusilla Mason
10:00am on the first Wednesday of the month
A group for those interested in contemporary art, with a primary focus on local artists.
Visit galleries and artists’ studios to learn about creative processes and ideas that lie behind contemporary art practice.
With a cafe visit afterwards.
Aspects of World History
Convenor: Paul Lunberg
2nd and 4th Thurs 10.00, 411 Wakefield Quay
We enjoy watching DVDs of the history of particular civilisations or persons. We then investigate a different view through YouTube. Of course there is always some discussion concerning what we have seen.
Convenor: Sally Mason
Each other's homes, first Fridays 9.30 till noon
This group meets at members' homes where the host discusses the books that he/she have found memorable in his/her lives.
Creative Writing Group
Convenor: Les Cook
Alternate Wednesdays; 9 Valhalla Lane, Richmond at 10 am re starting January 26 2022
Short stories, 'Mega stories', essays, some poetry and even a book review feature as tasks throughout the year.
A task is set for each meeting, for example, 'Shades Of The Sea'. Members are free to explore the idea in any way they choose.
A word for the week and a writing style is also given for experimentation and inclusion in the writing.
We read our contributions to the group and expect feedback.
Empires from the Past
Convenor: Carol Suddaby, Heather Robson
3rd Wednesday from 10.00 at the Board Room at the Summerset in the Sun in Stoke
Inspired by a book we have read recently (There are Rivers in the
Sky, by Elif Shafak), and a love of history, we decided a study group
looking at different empires of the past could be interesting.
Empires such as the Assyrian, the Ottoman, the Persian; empires of
China, Japan . . . . the list is endless! Members of the group would
take turns to do a presentation on an ‘empire’ that interests them,
and lead a discussion afterwards.
Exploring Politics
Convenor: Liz Chinnery-Jack-Bowyer
3rd Wednesday from 1.30pm at 40 Ngawhatu Rd Stoke, though venues may vary as time passes
This group aims to identify and explore issues of geopolitical or national interest. First meeting is 17 July when members will discuss the outcome of both the British and the French elections and explore the systems, issues, personalities and events as well as the outcome.
Exploring the Development of Humankind
Convenor: Jenny Pullen
Fourth Monday of the month at 2pm in the homes of members of the group.
What are today’s greatest challenges and choices? The 21 lessons are aimed to stimulate further thinking and help readers participate in some of the major discussions of our time."
Facts, fakes and fortunes
Convenor: David Turner
2nd Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00, 6 Seville Place, Olive Estate
Content; from YouTube documentaries view and discuss art works that have been stolen,looted, forged, lost, recovered/rediscovered/returned.
There are many treasures world-wide which the group can discuss.
Finance and Investment
Convenor: Alec Waugh
Oakwoods, 4th Monday of the month, 9:45 - 11:45
Aims to increase understanding of topics as diverse as Inflation, Consumer Price Index, Bankruptcy, Taxation, Maori Economy. $2 per meeting for morning tea. Monthly newssheet of topics, circulated by e-mail prior to meeting.
Convenor: Sally Warren
85 Cleveland Tce., Nelson 10-12am, fourth Tuesdays
Free discussion of current events
Convenor: Gordon and Carol Suddaby
3rd Thursday of the month between 10.00 am and midday at 11 Hollybush Drive, Brightwater
To share knowledge and information about various galleries of the world. We would hope that some/most/all of the participants in the group will be able to share their experiences of having visited particular galleries as well as complementing their experience with the rich resources available online and from their own photographs. However, those who have not visited galleries, but who are interested in this group are also welcome to join.
Gardens Unlimited
Convenor: David Turner
1st Monday, 1.30. - 3.00. 6 Seville Place, Olive Estate, Richmond
Content; viewing and discussing notable gardens from around the world: e.g. Sissinghurst, Great Dixter, The Eden Project, Les Quatre Vents, the gardens of the Loire Valley, Italian gardens, Japanese gardens, the Mughal gardens of India. There are so many: group members will be encouraged to share their "garden" preferences.
Viewings will be from YouTube.
Genesis to Exodus
Convenor: David Wright
Enner Glyn: 2 + 4 Tuesdays, 2-4pm
Formation of the solar system/other known planetary systems, geological history of the Earth, Life on Earth, various extinctions + evolutionary leaps,current climate change and potential to mitigate it. xxx
Great Britain
Convenor: Ngaire Birch
2nd Tuesday of the month, 10:00 to 12:00 starting 14 April.
This group will look at the history of Great Britain through architecture, language, customs, personalities etc over the centuries.
Hands in the Garden
Convenor: Ruth Allison
Various venues am, second Wednesdays
A group for garden lovers and always lunch after a garden tour.
Visit gardens and nurseries and discover the secrets of gardening from those in the know.
Meteorology and Climatology
Convenor: Alan Matthews
Fotnightly starting Thursday 27 February, 2.00 - 4.00 28 Selbourne Ave, Richmond
We will be looking at where our weather comes from and how weather works, from a global scale right down to local weather here on the Waimea Plains.
We will look at how clouds form and various cloud formations. Also where “Frontal weather” comes from, extreme weather phenomenon and why do we have such pretty sunsets in late summer.
Military History
Convenor: David Turner
Olive Estate Lifestyle Village, Richmond 10-12am, first and third Wednesdays
Military History from Ancient Egypt through to at least Vietnam.
Discussions under headings such as politics, personnel, material, strategy, tactics, successes, blunders and the overall effect on societies of the time.
There is a wealth of information online, both documentary and CGI and this is supplemented with literature, ie histories, biographies, autobiographies etc.
Nightingale Reading Group
Convenor: Averil Kepple
Tahuna Library pm, second and fourth Mondays except Public Hols
Discussion of books by members who love reading at the Tahunanui Library.
Convenor: WendyCornish
4th Monday pm, various venues
Members can bring any poems they wish to share and discuss
No judgement on contributions - can be classical old poems from Keats, Wordsworth etc, through to modernist, through to Pam Ayres, and even members' own poems they may have written.
Not just a group about reading poems, but each group member brings information about the poet, why poem was written etc. etc. and have some discussion.
Technology can be used if they want to have a poet read their own poem - we can use You Tube links. i.e. the only one who can read Pam Ayres poems, is Pam Ayres!!!
Serious Discussions
Convenor: Liz Chinnery-jack-Bowyer
10.00 - noon, 1st Monday each month. 40 Ngawhatu Road, Stoke
A group for those who wish to spend time exercising their grey matter and exploring some of life's big issues.
This year we have covered
1.Liberal democracy as an appropriate political system for the 21st century
2. Information and news - sources and their accuracy
To come
Sexuality; Violence; Religion; Economics; Crime and Punishment; Population; Education; Racism; Morality...
Each members prepares a short statement setting out their understanding and views on the topic after which there is discussion and sometimes debate. Views may differ, debate can be fiery but no blows are exchanged
Te Reo Beginners Monday
Convenor: Miriam Loretto
Weekly Mondays 1.00-2.00 pm 10 Cupola Crescent Richmond starting Feb 6
TED Talks 2
Convenor: Paul Lunberg
The group meets at the home of Paul Lunberg, 411 Wakefield Quay at 9.30 each 1st and 3rd Thursday
Viewing and discussion of presentations on various topics of interest from TED Talks on Youtube.
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design.
Trivia Quiz
Convenor: Judy Pittman
Honest Lawyer, 3rd Tuesday @ 10.00am
A general knowledge quiz with lots of laughs and very sociable. It’s not The Chase, it’s not competitive and there are no prizes. It’s just a fun way of testing your brain and keeping the grey matter functioning. As a condition of having free use of the Honest Lawyer’s side room we must purchase drinks and food. The scones are very good!
UK Waterways
Convenor: Jim Cross
4th Thursday, 10.30 at 91 Halifax Street East
Aimed at members perhaps contemplating a narrow boat or cycling holiday, or buying one!
People who may have owned a narrow boat or enjoyed a holiday on one and want to learn more about the 'system'.
People who may be interested in the history of canals, their role in the Industrial Revolution. their construction, industrial use, their decline and their continuing resurrection for leisure use. It’s a very broad topic, the engineering marvels, the museum’s, boat types, costs etc
WEA Book Discussion Group
Convenor: Frances Taylor
Various venues pm, first Mondays
A book discussion group that uses the WEA System.
NB: An annual membership subscription fee of $70 + postage to WEA applies to each member.
Write Your Life - 1
Convenor: Ian Macdougall
Villa 189 Summerset Village, Stoke, 2nd Wednesday @ 2pm
Creating a record of your life and times and sharing your writings with other members.